Free resources to help you build robust systems!
Here are some interesting and usesful resources that might help you in your journey towards solving technology problems and improve the effeciency, security and scalability of your applications.

API Security
The WHYs & HOWs - for securing APIs
APIs are common components in all modern enterprise apps. APIs bring lot of modularity & flexibility but it is equally important to secure this layer of data exchange.
Refer our guide below to understand these aspects !

OAuth 2.0
Basics & Where to use it
Authentication & Authorization can be most complex piece to handle for an Enetrprise App. If not coded properly, it can create huge security loopholes.
Refer our guide below to start implementing oAuth 2.0 !

3D Password
Basics & Where to use it
Securing our passwords can be tricky but it is most ignored fact by many. With this guide we are describing what is 3D Password and where it is used.
There are also some interesting facts mentioned in it!